Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

Prostate Cancer Awareness Month blue ribbon

September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. If you desire to participate, please wear the color blue.  The ninth calendar month is celebrated as Prostate Cancer Awareness Month.  Thus, join us this month to celebrate and encourage males to get an annual physical.  Of course, we encourage you to inform father’s, spouses, significant others, uncles, and other relatives to get a check-up. What is Prostate Cancer? This type of cancer is the most common non-skin diagnosed in men.  After lung cancer, it is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in men. The key focus goal is to share awareness pertaining to the importance of taking the test.  Thereafter, inform the individual to schedule a doctor appointment.  If they do not have one, reach out to your doctor for a referral or recommendation.  Hence, offer support to meet onsite or drive them to the appointment.

There are many individuals who are unaware they have prostate symptoms. Resource sharing of information is a mere communication tool to use social media, websites, brochures, bulletin boards, and any other means to disburse the literature.

Exercise to stay healthy is important for health and wellness prevention.  Try to eat right and exercise at least twenty minutes per day.  For example, walk in your driveway, the mall, in your neighborhood, or the park.  Consider mapping out a walking plan in your home or apartment.  Please remember to start off slow with one minute increments and thereafter add a minute each day.  However, we must continue to encourage individuals to take care of themselves.

Therefore, if you need a ride to the doctor reach out to a family member, friend, neighbor, or a local church.  To learn more about National USA Foundation, Inc., please visit the What We Do and view Our Mission on our home page.